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Behind the Chair

Sam Villa & The Beyond Project Partner To Provide Mobile Beauty & Wellness For Survivors

Sam Villa & The Beyond Project Partner To Provide Mobile Beauty & Wellness For Survivors

The Beyond Project, an organization that inspires and empowers lives through beauty and wellness, partnered with the Sam Villa to provide makeovers and styling tutorials to the women of the Salvation Army’s SEEDS of Hope—the human trafficking activist group—during Cosmoprof North America Las Vegas 2021.


“We’re so grateful for the partnership with Sam Villa and the Redken products and styling tools they were able to provide,” says Rachel Hile, Founder of The Beyond Project. Sam was there embracing these women, along with others he recruited, Vernon François, Marquetta Breslin, Ira Pope Sage—cutting and styling hair and making them feel special.” 


The day was filled with transformation, affirmation and new hope for the lives of those changed by human trafficking. Beauty professionals understand the relationship between appearance and confidence—especially when going through job interviews or reentering the workforce, making this event extra special for those involved. 


“What a rewarding experience to help these women see themselves in another way. I gave one woman her first professional haircut ever and that filled me with such gratitude. We were honored to also give each of the attendees a tool of their choice so they can recreate their looks at home,” says Sam Villa, Co-Founder and Chief Creative Officer of Sam Villa and Redken Global Artistic Ambassador.


Want to get involved? Stylists interested in volunteering for an upcoming project in October serving foster families and parents with haircuts, make-up applications and massages for the Replanted Conference can sign up to volunteer at


©2015-2023 The Beyond Project 501(c)(3) Registered Charity Federal Tax ID: 47-4049333

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